Equipment Checklist
Equipment Checklist: According the season and area.
Your trekking Company will provide equipment like sleeping bags, foam mattresses and tents. All you need to bring are your personal wear like walking boots and sand shoes a water ,and wind proof jacket, woolen shirts, T-shirts, a thick pullover, shorts/skirts, and trousers/track suits. Thermal underwear is necessary for high altitudes and cottons are best for lower and warmer altitudes. Also don’t forget a water bottle, Swiss army knife sewing kit, torch light with spare batteries, extra boot laces, sun glasses, sun cream, and personal medical supplies. Bring an elongated canvas bag or duffel bag to put your clothing and equipment in. There will be porters to carry the kit bag. Face book Gurla mandata trekking.
If you do an expedition alone then it’ll be expensive. But if you do it with a group then it’ll be cheaper for you. Also, you can enjoy your time together too. We provide base camp services and full board services.
So, if anyone is interested in this expedition and wants to the join us, then you can contact me. This is a golden opportunity for you to fulfill your dream by staying within your budget. So don’t let it get away. And We Offer Trekking,Tours, Peak climbing , River Rafting, Hotel Booking, Ticketing, Mountain flight ,etc.
Waiting your contact.
Mobile No: 977- 9841010667, 9813916335
Whatsapp: NO:+977-9841010667
Kathmandu/ Nepal
Equipment lest for Trekking .
Sleeping bag
Down jacket
T-short and half paint for day walking
Wind proof jacket and trouser
Warm Short
Sun hat
Sun cream
Trekking shoes
Sport shoes for morning and evening use
Sandal using evening and morning
Sun glass and snow glasses
Walking stick (If needed)
Day pack
Water bottle
Some medicine
Umbrella or Rain coat
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August 15, 2022